Peel and chop the apples into little cubes and place them in a small bowl, then add in lime juice and toss the apples into the juice.
Slice the salmon little into cubes, but make the cubes bigger than the apples. Set the salmon and apples separately aside whilst making the dressing.
For the dressing - In a large bowl, place in the wasabi, mayonnaise, soy sauce and sesame oil, then whisk it together until combined, separating any clumps of wasabi.
Place the salmon and apples in the bowl with the dressing, then fold gently to combine. Have a taste and add salt or pepper if needed. Optional - garnish the salmon tartare with micro herbs and saffron chilli.
(NOTE 1) Sashimi quality salmon - It's vital to purchase salmon that is sold specifically for sashimi as we're serving this salmon raw. Sashimi-grade salmon is more expensive, but it's the freshest salmon available. Don't risk using regular salmon as it may lead to ingesting bad bacteria, which may cause food poisoning.(NOTE 2) Wasabi paste is green Japanese horseradish commonly served with sushi or sashimi. It's quite pungent and goes right up the nose, so a little goes a long way. Supermarkets stock wasabi in the Asian/International section.(NOTE 3) Mayonnaise - It makes a vast difference when using good quality mayonnaise. I prefer full fat whole-egg mayonnaise which is less sweet but more creamy and flavourful. For this recipe, I used Japanese mayonnaise 'Kewpie'.(NOTE 4) Light soy sauce or regular soy sauce, but avoid the dark or sweet soy sauce varieties, as these are not interchangeable.(NOTE 5) Sesame oilis very aromatic with a roasted nutty flavour and aroma. They usually stock sesame oil in the international section of the supermarket or near other oils.Leftovers - Once the dressing is on the salmon, it's best to serve the salmon immediately or within 30 minutes. This recipe is ideal as a small starter/appetiser for 4 people.A Third-Party Application calculated the calories and nutritional information. Please use this as an approximate guide only.Cooking measurements are in Australian standard spoon and cup measurements.