my baby acts like a cat

Am I a crazy cat lady? perhaps… but I never asked for this! My human baby acts like a cat and it’s freaking me out just a little bit!

All details are based on actual events, ok… maybe just little exaggerated events.


Mum was forever on my back continually telling me to have ‘real babies’ as my cats weren’t real babies to her. So to rile her up once in a while I would proudly show her photos of us celebrating my cats birthdays and dressing them in outfits. Mum would look at me like I had lost the plot.

So mum’s nagging eventually got to me so in order to get her off my back I got pregnant! Haha, just joking but this was how it happened…..

One random night we were on the couch watching a nerdy documentary about ancient wars chosen by Tomasi (my husband). He was highly engrossed in it whilst I was randomly thinking about babies, so casually dropped this bombshell question to him.

‘Do you still want to start a family?

Tomasi diverted his eyes to me and that was when I saw him nervously dart his eyes from left to right. He asked me to give him time to think about it.

The next morning he held my hand in his and said ‘I know you love your career and achieving big things. You also love to travel and explore the world, this will be limited with a child.’ sounding chocked up he continued ‘so let’s not have a baby’.

Tomasi’s decision stung me hard which was strange as I never felt a strong need to have a baby. If anything, it was Tomasi that was keen to start a family when we first got married.

I’m still not sure what triggered me that day but after hearing this I was 100% certain I wanted a baby!

You jinxed me mum!

Fast forward today……. we now have our gorgeous 16-month-old Kai. If you end up reading this Kai remember mummy and daddy always wanted you we just didn’t know it yet!

The first two trimesters of my pregnancy were the worst as I suffered from severe morning sickness. Just the slightest smells made me throw up like ‘Exorcist’ style, projectile vomit. Whoever named ‘morning sickness’ needs a swift kick to their backside as I puked day and night!

Prawns and Chorizo Tapas

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Luckily I wasn’t working at the time, as I would’ve resigned or got fired for never showing up.

My mum was of course over the moon when I told her I was pregnant. She stopped nagging me about having babies but found other things to annoy me about.

According to mum, I needed to walk more regardless if I felt like I was dying from nausea. Apparently, if I failed to exercise during pregnancy my baby would be enormous. It doesn’t stop there, mum also ordered me to stop hanging around my cats or look at them too much or my unborn baby will look like and act like a cat. She told me to look and think of beautiful things instead so my baby would turn out beautiful as well.

‘Dear mummy, I love you wholeheartedly but sometimes you sound like a nutcase!’

I never told her that, but I was thinking it! If anything my cats are beautiful! so what’s the issue?

HELP! My baby does acts like a cat

When I told Tomasi what mum said, he laughed and warned me to stay away from Caviar (my clingy Siberian cat) as he was always sleeping on me.

Caviar has always been affectionate but he went way overboard when I was carrying Kai in my womb. Instead of laying next to me or on my legs like he usually would he insisted on sleeping on my baby bump.

I would move him to my chest or by my side but Caviar would just stubbornly come back on top of me. He would put his paws on my tummy and purr, if lucky he would treat me to a massage.

My other cat Teddie (AKA food assassin) couldn’t care less about my pregnancy. If anything Teddie cared even less about me as I was unable to eat cold cooked prawns or smoked salmon during my pregnancy so he couldn’t scab it off me for over 9 months.

So thanks to Caviar and his obsession with my baby bump he has passed his traits on to Kai. So my mum is not a cuckoo after all as my baby does acts like a cat! or maybe my mum and I are both cuckoo!

The ways my baby acts like a cat

One of my baby’s first words (or sounds) was MEOW

From when Kai was born we repeatedly showed him who was mummy and daddy. We even pronounced it slowly for him ‘MA-MA- MUM-MY, DA-DA- DAD-DY.’ We did this hoping that these would be his first words so our hearts would melt when he called for us.

Unfortunately, this didn’t happen, at 6 months old Kai screamed out ‘MOORE-OWE MEW-OWE’. This happened right after Caviar did his daily whinging cry for attention and Kai excitedly copied him.

My baby scratches and bites everything

Our leather couch is covered in scratches from our cats, but recently it Kai that’s been leaving his signature on our couch with his fingernails.

We recently installed expensive security screen doors as my cat’s claws shredded the old ones and insects started getting into the house. I was in the kitchen cooking when I heard loud clawing on the new screen doors so I walked over ready to tell my cats off, instead, I see my toddler scratching away at the screen.

Cat in drawer
Teddie didn’t care that I was pregnant, his focus was on getting fed on time and making sure we weren’t late with his wet food.

My toddler ignores me

Most cat owners would tell you that their mini felines are much smarter than we give them credit for. Cats actually do understand our commands but choose to ignore us because they’re not there to please us.

Before turning one Kai was a gem, he would come to me every time I called and he would grab the toy I requested happily….. but this all changed when he turned one.

Kai definitely hears me and knows what I want from him when I ask him not to touch things or call for him. He pretends not to hear me and continues on with what he is doing.

Kai even backchats to me in his baby language. He definitely got this off my cats as they do this to me all the time. I would tell Caviar and Teddie to get out of the kitchen and they would reply to me with disgruntled meows. How disrespectful of the 3 of them, I am their mother!

My baby notices all new things

Whether it’ll be new furniture, a dustpan or a book, my cats will notice immediately it’s new. They’ll smell it from a safe distance and once they know it’s not going to eat them they’ll rub up against it until it has their scent on it.

Amazingly Kai has the ability to discover new things too. As soon as he notices something new, he’ll waddle towards it and inspect it.

adorable cats
Teddie wants to know why Caviar is obsessed with trying to create a human version of him

My baby plays with everything other than his toys

We bought so many toys for my cats, they would love it for a few minutes then get bored. What was more annoying was that they rather play with the box, their own fluff or an elastic band. Kai is the same, new toys interest him for a few minutes then it’s back to playing with doors, drawers, pots and pans.

My Baby prefers and chooses mummy

Awww I save the best for last! This is my favourite trait of Kai and Caviar because it may change anytime.

From when Caviar was a tiny kitten, he would always choose me. He was still affectionate to Nara and Tomasi but it was me that he adored. Tomasi and Nara play with him but he half-heartedly chased the toy and at times lift an unenthusiastic paw to swipe at it. If I am playing with Caviar he goes into full hunting mode and pretends he’s a lion.

If you can get enough of my adorable cheeky cats, why not check these other cat related posts:

HUNGRY CAT – Get your dirty paw out of my food now!


Cheers (I’ll drink to that) – Cat Tre